Peaceable ☮

well, ni judul emang terlihat keren kayaaaak... (gausah disebut lah ya, lo pasti tau itu gue)
peace emang punya makna tersendiri. ni kata biar singkat tapi dalam bgt
semua orang butuh peace atau kedamaian itu (backsound: gigi-perdamaian)

jujur gue suka bgt dgn kata peace
nah ini kata2 yg gue suka bgt.. about peace
check this out!

Conflict is not your nature. Peace is your true home.

peace to all for the coming week. be gentle and excellent to each other.

the greatest gift you can give this time of year is a wish for peace

when I think of you, I feel at peace. you are my home, and I am yours.

be love be peace be free be found

there is a circle between you and me. today i send you love, peace and absolute joy.

with love and peace all things are possible

find someone close to you and simply wish them peace. remember everyday is thanksgiving.

keren kan?
yah, walaupun jujur, bbrp kata2 ini gue gak ngerti *inibegokbangetsih
tp kyknya sih keren
ntaran deh gue nyari di google translete *wkwkwk

gak hanya kata2nya, lambang peace juga gue suka
kyk gini nih:

keren kaaaaaaaaaaan?:P

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